Barda d’Égua MMXXI
O almanaque clandestino alternativo
Barda d’Égua is a personal project based on the original Borda d’Água, a Portuguese almanac that’s been published since 1929 by the also Portuguese publisher Editorial Minerva.
This project is something I have wanted to do for a really long time, I love the original Borda d’Água and as a designer and pagination freak, it always felt like a pretty neat and complete exercise.
Besides that I had my friends’ help for creating silly content. At least 2 of them knew what I was brewing, but for everyone else I kept it a surprise.
And since this is a parody, instead of having useful information for farmers like the original, it’s filled with alternative and silly references for my friends.
I printed a limited 25 + 1 edition in 2020 to offer some friends and family for Christmas.
I made some illustrations to spread around, hand written proverbs and quotes to break the rigorous grid and a little flip animation in the top corner.
And just like the original edition, I printed it all in A3 sheets that were folded but not cut.
After this I decided that Barda d’Égua would become the official seal for my parody pet projects.